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The Ernest Holmes Papers

Ernest Holmes - George P. Bendall
pubblicato da Penguin Publishing Group

Prezzo online:
-13 %

A one-of-a-kind collection of rare writings from one of the world's foremost spiritual leaders and thinkers.

For the first time, the three hard-to-get volumes known as The Ernest Holmes Papers will be published in one volume. Transcripts of talks that Ernest Holmes gave over his career, The Ernest Holmes Papers contains Holmes's wisdom on prayer, life, prosperity, and God.

Used by thousands of spiritual students around the world in previous editions, this first-ever omnibus edition will contain a new introduction from Dr. Kenn Gordon, spiritual leader of the Centers for Spiritual Living. The three volumes that are being included in this one volume are The Philosophy of Ernest Holmes, Anatomy of Healing Prayer, and Ideas of Power.

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The Ernest Holmes Papers

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