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The Extraordinary Suzy Wright

Teri Kanefield
pubblicato da ABRAMS, Inc.

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Children are taught much about the men who shaped early America, but history-shaping colonial women remain largely unknown and undiscussed. The Extraordinary Suzy Wright sets about to change that, telling the little-known story of Quaker Susanna (Suzy) Wright (16971784), a renowned poet and political activist. Suzy helped settle the Pennsylvania frontier, where she acted as legal counselor to her less literate neighbors, preparing wills, deeds, indentures, and other contracts. Surviving documents and correspondence between Suzy and a host of her contemporariesincluding Benjamin Franklin; James Logan, Pennsylvania's governor and chief justice; and a few signers of the Declaration of Independencereveal that Suzy, from her home on the frontier, exerted considerable influence in the highest circles of Pennsylvania government. This fascinating and inspiring story includes an author's note, bibliography, and index.

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Libri per Conoscere » Luoghi e persone » Storia e mitologia

Editore Abrams, Inc.

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 15/03/2016

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781613129173

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The Extraordinary Suzy Wright

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