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The Famous James Military Lightweight

Peter Miller
pubblicato da Amberley Publishing

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This book tells the story of the famous James ML military motorcycle which had originally been developed as a utility machine for the working man and was then modified for the military during the Second World War. The James ML was used for carrying messages on the beaches of Normandy during the D-Day landings, earning it lasting respect and affection. The book covers the various military roles for the motorcycle, including airborne use and its various deployments. The author also describes ML production after the end of the war when the reliability and ruggedness that it had displayed as a military machine proved effective in off-road competitions. The author also presents a brief history of the James and Villiers companies and provides a background to the military decision to purchase lightweight motorcycles. He describes the evaluations and tests and compares the James ML with other motorcycles in the running. Illustrated with colour and black and white images from contemporary magazines such as Motor Cycling and The Motor Cycle, this book tells you all you need to know about this iconic motorcycle.

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Generi Hobby e Tempo libero » Veicoli , Storia e Biografie » Storia militare

Editore Amberley Publishing

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 15/04/2016

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781445653983

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The Famous James Military Lightweight

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