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The Folly Beach Mystery Collection Volume II

Bill Noel
pubblicato da Enigma House Press

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Once again, three novels in the award-winning Folly Beach Mystery series by best-selling author Bill Noel are presented in one collection. Enjoy:


Chris Landrum's trip to Nashville to visit his best friend Charles hits a sour note when they learn of the death of the agent who had persuaded Heather, Charles's girlfriend, to move to Music City to seek fame and fortune as a singer. The visit sinks from bad to horrible when instead of finding stardom, Heather, is charged with the agent's murder. Chris must rely on his quick wits to solve the murder before the killer adds him to the growing list of victims.


An accidental drug overdose is ruled the cause of the death of the daughter of Chris's neighbor, a retired police detective who had accused Chris of murder days after he'd arrived on Folly Beach a decade ago. So, why get involved and question the cause of death? Could it be because the daughter was dating a man on the path to unseating Chris's good friend as mayor of the small barrier-island? The political race heats up, and so does the retired executive's search for proof of a crimea crime the police are certain never took place.

JOY: A Folly Beach Christmas Mystery

Chris and his friend Barbara Deanelli's search for shark teeth abruptly changes directions when they discover a woman at water's edge clinging to a surfboard. How she got there was a mysterya mystery compounded when she doesn't remember her name, her past, or who abducted her and nearly sent her to her death in the mid-December waters off the South Carolina

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Gialli e thriller , Gialli Noir e Avventura » Gialli, mistery e noir

Editore Enigma House Press

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 12/12/2018

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781386484202

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The Folly Beach Mystery Collection Volume II

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