The Four Corners in California is set in the southwestern region of the United States, specifically focusing on the state of California. The story unfolds against the backdrop of the diverse landscapes, cultures, and historical events that characterize California. The narrative follows a group of young characters as they embark on an adventure to discover the wonders and unique features of California. Through their journey, readers are introduced to various aspects of the state, including its geography, history, culture, and notable landmarks. As the characters travel through California, they encounter a range of experiences, from exploring the majestic national parks and scenic coastline to learning about the indigenous peoples and early settlers. The story aims to provide young readers with a vivid and engaging portrayal of California, fostering an appreciation for its natural beauty and cultural heritage. Amy Ella Blanchard, through "The Four Corners in California," uses storytelling to impart knowledge about the state's geography, history, and diverse culture, encouraging curiosity and a sense of adventure in young readers.