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The Frog Tells Her Side of the Story - Troy Schmidt
The Frog Tells Her Side of the Story - Troy Schmidt

The Frog Tells Her Side of the Story

Troy Schmidt
pubblicato da B&H Publishing Group

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Oh sure, we'll all heard the story of Moses and the ten plagues of Egypt a hundred times. But have we heard it from the perspective of other living creatures who witnessed the history-making event?

Hey God, I'm Having an Awful Vacation in Egypt Thanks to Moses! imagines how one of those frogs might tell the story, helping kids ages 4 to 8 discover a creative way of learning about the ten plagues.

The "Parent Connection" feature will help moms and dads take the story further with scripture references and tips on how to talk with their children about what really happened. There's even a free online app to make this bright retelling even more animated and interactive.

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Libri per Conoscere » Bibbia e storie bibliche

Editore B&h Publishing Group

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/05/2013

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781433683213

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The Frog Tells Her Side of the Story

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