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The Future of Service is 5D

Jaquie Scammell
pubblicato da ServiceQ

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If you're looking at this book, it's likely that you sense the seismic shifts happening in our society. Service industries are madly rushing to digitalise for efficiency, compromising what once set them apart: the act of service by a human. As we move swiftly into an era of artificial intelligence, robotics and automation, it's easy to succumb to the narrative that machines will replace humans in almost every field, including service.

But what if, far from making humans obsolete, the digital era will bring opportunities for a more dynamic, authentic form of service than we've ever seen before? You can make it a reality by integrating 5 dimensions - physical, cognitive, emotional, social and spiritual - into a human-service approach. This is the future of service.

For any organisation leader, the new dilemma is how to reclaim the human aspect of service. This book offers a mindful pause to reconsider the path we're heading down. The Future of Service is 5D aspires to redefine our understanding of what service means in an increasingly digital and interconnected world. The journey from frustration to fulfilment starts here.

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The Future of Service is 5D

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