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The Girl Who Wouldn't Play

Charles Thornton
pubblicato da Charles Thornton

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Gabby was what you would call your average 5-year-old girl. Or at least, she was average when you first met her. She had a big brother named Bobby, she loved her mommy and daddy, she didn't like her veggies, and really didn't like going outside to play.
After she was done with her school work and had time before dinner, she would be told to go play with the kids outside. Gabby would look out the window and have something to say on why she couldn't go out.
"It's too cold."
"It looks like it will rain."
"My leg hurts."
Her mommy didn't argue with Gabby but just let her stay inside to watch TV or play one of Bobby's video games with him. Even if she lost and got mad, she still didn't want to go outside and would just hide in her room to do something else. Sometimes her mommy would say she was a vampire for not going outside or some other ghoul of the night. Those creatures scared Gabby but if she was one of them then it just meant she could be brave and they would be her friend.

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Narrativa » Avventura, giallo, thriller

Editore Charles Thornton

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 21/09/2015

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781311815033

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The Girl Who Wouldn

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