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The Goodwill House Series 1-3

Fenella J Miller
pubblicato da Boldwood Books

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Discover the emotional Goodwill House series from bestselling saga author Fenella J Miller

'Curl up in a chair with Fenella J Miller's characters and lose yourself in another time and another place' Lizzie Lane

This boxset contains books 1-3 in the Goodwill House saga series

  1. The War Girls of Goodwill House
  2. New Recruits at Goodwill House
  3. Duty Calls at Goodwill House

The War Girls of Goodwill House

Lady Joanna Harcourt and her daughter Sarah discover their life of luxury at Goodwill House is over. Because with Lord Harcourt away fighting, the Harcourt girls are facing financial ruin.

Lady Joanna is terrified of losing their home, but for Sarah, this means her dreams of becoming a doctor are over. Headstrong Sarah isn't one to quit! War or not, she's determined to find a way to save her home and follow her dreams whatever it takes!

Dashing RAF officer Angus Trent might just save the day. The new RAF base at Manston will soon be full of young women all hoping to serve their country, and Goodwill House will make the perfect home for them. But can Sarah convince Lady Joanna to agree to her plan?

New Recruits at Goodwill House

May 1940

There are new residents at Goodwill House WAAF drivers Camilla 'Millie' Cunningham and Diane Forsyth, both eager to do their bit for the war effort and excited to be helping the brave boys who fly.

And when Millie meets dashing and heroic Spitfire pilot Ted Thorrington, they strike up an instant connection. But with Hitler gaining more ground in Europe, there is danger brewing across the Channel in Dunkirk and Ted is required to fly more and more dangerous sorties, risking his life every time.

With their hearts and lives on the line, the courage of the girls in blue will be tested like never before

Duty Calls at Goodwill House

July 1940

With Hitler's bombs getting closer, WAAF Diane Forsyth is determined to face the oncoming danger and do her duty to support the brave RAF pilots who risk their lives as they take to the skies.

And there's one pilot in particular Di hopes remains safe - Squadron Leader Freddie Hanover. But with a romance between them growing, Di and Freddie know their duty must always come first. How can they dream of a future together whilst this terrible war continues?

Lady Joanna Harcourt understands Di's vow of duty she's taken one herself. But Joanna also knows that life is terribly precious and that one must make the most of every single daybefore it's too late.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei » Saghe familiari » Storici , Gialli Noir e Avventura » Saghe » Narrativa di Avventura » Storie di guerra » Romanzi storici , Passione e Sentimenti » Romanzi rosa d'ambientazione storica

Editore Boldwood Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 15/01/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781835619889

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The Goodwill House Series 1-3

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