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The Goodwill House Series 4-6

Fenella J Miller
pubblicato da Boldwood Books

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Discover the emotional Goodwill House series from bestselling saga author Fenella J Miller

'Engaging characters and setting which whisks you back to the home front of wartime Britain. A fabulous series.' Jean Fullerton

This boxset contains books 4-6 in the Goodwill House saga series

  1. The Land Girls of Goodwill House
  2. A Wartime Reunion at Goodwill House
  3. Wedding Bells at Goodwill House

The Land Girls of Goodwill House

August 1940

As Autumn approaches, Lady Joanna Harcourt is preparing for new guests at Goodwill House - land girls, Sally, Daphne and Charlie.

Sally, a feisty blonde from the East End, has never seen a cow before, but she's desperate to escape London and her horrible ex, Dennis. And although the hours are long and the work hard, Sal quickly becomes good friends with the other girls Daphne and Charlie and enjoys life at Goodwill House.

Until Dennis reappears threatening to drag her back to London. Sal fears her life as a land girl is over, just as she finally felt worthy. But Lady Joanna has other ideas and a plan to keep Sal safe and doing the job she loves.

A Wartime Reunion at Goodwill House

September, 1940

With harvest approaching, land girl Daphne is busier than ever as she ploughs the fields and tends to the animals with her friends Sal and Charlie. All three girls enjoy the relative peace of Goodwill Housebut war is never far away.

When a German plane crash lands in the grounds of Goodwill House, everyone is shocked, especially when the two German pilots are declared missing. Where could they be hiding?

Tensions are high, and Daphne is dealt yet another shock, when she meets Corporal Robert Andrews the man she was once engaged to marry! Goodwill House is the last place she expected to be reunited with Bob and although he looks dashing in his uniform, Daphne doesn't think she can ever forgive him for breaking her heart.

With the war getting closer every day, can these two finally be reunited for good or will their love be forever lost...?

Wedding Bells at Goodwill House

January 1941

As the residents of Goodwill House feel the hard bite of winter, land girl Charlie Somiton is still glad of the warm friendships she has made there. Not just her fellow land girls, Daphne and Sal, but also dashing local G.P. Dr James Willoughby who looked after Charlie when she was injured at work.

Charlie likes Dr Willoughby, but she fears that there can never be more between them than just friendship. Because despite her upper-class background, Charlie carries with her a terrible secret that she can never share with James.

Dr Willoughby knows Charlie is dealing with something painful and he wishes she'd confide in him more. The war is getting ever closer and James knows all too well that life is short and happiness should be grabbed with both hands.

But is Charlie brave enough to risk her secret and her heart or will her past ruin her chances for a happy future.

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Editore Boldwood Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 15/01/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781835619902

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The Goodwill House Series 4-6

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