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The Graves of the Guilty

Ellery Adams
pubblicato da Beyond the Page

Prezzo online:

The third book in a terrific series by New York Times bestselling author Ellery Adams.

Welcome to Hope Street Church, where friendships are formed, fresh starts are encouraged, and mysteries are solved.

Cooper Lee is on top of the world, thanks to her great friends at Hope Street Church and the satisfaction of having solved two perplexing mysteries. And with Valentine's Day just around the corner, she's hoping that love is in the air for her and her new boyfriend, Nathan. But Cooper's faith is about to be tested when her sister, Ashley, discovers a corpse and is implicated in the gruesome murder. And just as troubling, a darkly handsome and exciting man has come into Cooper's life and just might tempt her to stray.

As Cooper and her friends from the Bible study group once again spring into action to root out a killerand Cooper digs deep to solve a more personal mysteryshe discovers that following the clues is raising more questions than answers. But one thing's for certain: when cold-blooded criminals mess with Cooper's family and friends, the killers haven't got a prayer.

Includes heavenly recipes from Magnolia Lee's kitchen!

A Note from the Author:

Dear Reader,

The Hope Street mysteries were originally published by St. Martin's Press and written under the name Jennifer Stanley. The titles, in order, were Stirring Up Strife, Path of the Wicked*, and* The Way of the Guilty*.*

I have completely rewritten all three novels and am now publishing them under the name Ellery Adams as The Path of the Crooked, The Way of the Wicked*, and* The Graves of the Guilty*.*

If you've read the original books, you will find the basic plot of the above titles unchanged. My intention was to polish the writing in each installment and rerelease the novels as crisper, cleaner, more engaging books. Stay tuned for forthcoming novels in the Hope Street mystery series as well.

Thank you for supporting cozy mysteries.

Your friend,

Ellery Adams

About the Author:

New York Times Bestselling author Ellery Adams grew up on a beach near the Long Island Sound. Having spent her adult life in a series of landlocked towns, she cherishes her memories of open water, violent storms, and the smell of the sea. Ms. Adams has held many jobs, including that of caterer, retail clerk, car salesperson, teacher, tutor, and tech writer, all the while penning poems, children's books, and novels. She now writes full-time from her home in Virginia.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Gialli e thriller » Contemporanei

Editore Beyond The Page

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 30/09/2014

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781940846330

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The Graves of the Guilty

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