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The Green Bride Guide

Kate Harrison
pubblicato da Sourcebooks

Prezzo online:
-20 %

A beautiful and sustainable wedding for the environmentally conscious couple!

For an original and actionable guide to creating your dream green wedding, The Green Bride Guide has everything eco-conscious couples need to make their big day a wonderful, and eco-friendly, celebration. Emphasizing elegance and individual taste on every budget, this has the essential environmental tips that cover all aspects of the big day and beyond because...

every choice, at every stage of wedding planning, can make a difference.

Covering topics like:

  • Engagement
  • Location
  • Invitations
  • Bridal party attire
  • Flowers
  • The ceremony
  • The reception
  • Gifts
  • The honeymoon

You can include just a few green elements in your decor or have a carbon-neutral wedding with local organic food and a peace silk dress, the choice is yours and you'll find the resources you need to pull it off with panache. The Green Bride Guide is an invaluable reference for anyone interested in planning an alegant, exciting, eco-friendly wedding.

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The Green Bride Guide

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