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The Green and The Blue

Luciano Floridi
pubblicato da Wiley

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Presenting an array of innovative concepts to revolutionize politics in our digital world, this book is written by one of the most authoritative voices of contemporary philosophy

The Green and the Blue explores the opportunities presented by the digital age for combining green environmental policies with blue digital solutions to strengthen democracy, reform capitalism, and work toward a sustainable and equitable future. With an engaging and readable style, world-renowned philosopher Luciano Floridi lays out a timely and convincing case for embracing responsible practices to ensure a sustainable environment, a better democracy, and an equitable information society.

Drawing from his expertise in digital ethics and the philosophy of technology, Floridi offers fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and bold strategies for improving political systems that emphasize the importance of cooperation, ethics, and long-term planning. Throughout the text, the author advocates for a political and economic framework of care that focuses on the quality of relations and processes rather than consumption and things. A groundbreaking call to action for individuals, policymakers, and technologists, The Green and the Blue: Naive Ideas to Improve Politics in the Digital Age:

  • Provides a comprehensive, interdisciplinary, and well-rounded exploration of how to improve the present by designing good policies for the future
  • Features insightful analysis by the founder of the philosophy of information and one of the key interpreters of the digital revolution
  • Explains complex concepts to allow easy understanding and application of the ideas presented
  • Includes compelling thought experiments that challenge traditional notions of capitalism and politics
  • Encourages readers to think critically about the present and future of politics

Offering a new way of thinking about democracy, the environment, and technology, The Green and the Blue: Naive Ideas to Improve Politics in the Digital Age is a must-read for undergraduate and graduate students, practitioners, and general readers who are seeking positive and sustainable change in the world of politics.

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Generi Psicologia e Filosofia » Filosofia: Specifiche aree » Filosofia dell'educazione » Filosofia sociale e politica » Filosofia: Opere divulgative e generali

Editore Wiley

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 26/10/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781394218752

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The Green and The Blue

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