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The Guiding Pen is a heartfelt collection of letters written from mother to her beloved daughter. In this collection, daughters will receive guidance, advice, love, wisdom, and shared experiences. In these carefully crafted words, the reader is invited into a world where maternal guidance turns into unwavering support and encouragement. These poems will walk down a path producing life lessons, hardships, and enduring strength. This collection will help every daughter find solace and inspiration in her mother's words. As the pages turn, readers will witness a strong mother-daughter relationship -- a timeless dialogue etched in ink, symbolizing the passing of wisdom from one generation to the next. These letters elevate everyday moments into extraordinary teachings, creating a treasure trove of guidance that resonates with teenage reader.

The Guiding Pen is more than a book. It's a warm conversation and a source of comfort for those navigating the complexities of life. In this collection, poetry becomes a bridge by connecting hearts, and these letters become cherished keepsakes, passed down from mother to daughter like a cherished heirloom.

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Editore Brittany Benko

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 29/03/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798224482382

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The Guiding Pen

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