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The Healing Organization - Raj Sisodia - Michael J. Gelb
The Healing Organization - Raj Sisodia - Michael J. Gelb

Audiolibro The Healing Organization

Raj Sisodia - Michael J. Gelb
pubblicato da HarperCollins Leadership

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The image of modern corporations has been shaped by a profits over people approach, but we are at a point where business must take the lead in healing the crises of our time. The Healing Organization shows how corporations can become healing forces.

Conscious Capitalism pioneer Raj Sisodia and organizational innovation expert Michael J. Gelb were inspired to write this book because of the epidemic of unnecessary suffering connected with business, including the destruction of the environment; increasing numbers living paycheck-to-paycheck and barely surviving; and rising rates of depression and stress leading to chronic health problems.

Based on extensive in-depth interviews and inspiring case studies, Sisodia and Gelb show how companies such as Shake Shack, Hyatt, KIND Healthy Snacks, Eileen Fisher, H-E-B, FIFCO, Jaipur Rugs and DTE Energy are healing their employees, customers, communities and other stakeholders. They represent a diverse sampling of industries and geographies, but they all have significant elements in common, besides being profitable enterprises:

  • Their employees love coming to work.
  • They have passionately loyal customers.
  • They make a significant positive difference to the communities they serve.
  • They preserve and restore the ecosystems in which they operate.

The enmity and dividedness between those who champion unfettered capitalism and those who advocate socialism is exacerbating rather than solving our problems.

In a world that urgently needs healing on many levels, this is a movement whose time has come. The Healing Organization shows how it can be done, how it is being done, and how you can begin to do it too.

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The Healing Organization

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