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David Bell's The Hiding Place is a powerful psychological thriller delving into the secrets of a damaged family in small-town America.
Sometimes it's easier to believe a lie . . .
Twenty-five-years ago, four-year-old Justin Manning disappeared. Two months later his body was found in a shallow grave in the woods, shocking the small town of Dove Point, Ohio.
Janet Manning has been haunted by her brother's death since the day she lost sight of him in the park. Now, a detective and a reporter are asking questions, raising new suspicions and opening old wounds. But if the man jailed for the murder is innocent, who did kill Justin?
At the same time a stranger appears at Janet's door claiming to know the truth and a high school friend returns, with his own confused memories of what happened. Janet thought she'd put the past and guilt behind her. But now the truth about her brother is heartbreakingly close - has she the courage to find it?
Immerse yourself in David Bell's wonderfully gripping UK debut The Hiding Place and unravel the truth which lies buried in Janet's past. A wonderful treat for all fans of Kate Atkinson and Dennis Lehane.
Praise for David Bell's Cemetery Girl:
'David Bell writes spellbinding and gripping thrillers that get under your skin and refuse to let go' Linwood Barclay

'Reads like a collaboration between Michael Connelly and the gothic fiction of Joyce Carol Oates . . . A winner on every level' Will Lavender
'A haunting meditation on the ties that bind parent to child, husband to wife, brother to brother. An absolutely riveting, absorbing read not to be missed' Lisa Unger

David Bell is an assistant professor of English at Western Kentucky University. He received an M.A. in creative writing from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, and a Ph.D. in American Literature and creative writing from the University of Cincinnati. Cemetery Girl was David Bell's first novel - The Hiding Place is his second.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Gialli e thriller » Gialli e thriller

Editore Penguin Books Ltd

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 14/02/2013

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781405910590

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The Hiding Place

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