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I was fine existing on copious amounts of chocolate. But, thanks to Fenris's less than helpful intervention, Mom's building a nightclub named "Man-beef Buffet." My hell is only beginning.

Hounded by the Academy's guidance counselor, smothered by her mother, and harassed by a perverted brownie, Eliana's patience for well-meaning help is thinning. She has more important matters on her plate. Like, dealing with the repercussions of a backfired spell while avoiding the local, hot werewolf.

When something starts stalking her, Eliana decides she'd done playing by everyone else's rules. She might be afraid to feed, but she's far from weak. The beast pursuing her will soon feel what it's like when the hunter becomes the hunted.

Warning: Contains a starving succubus with violent reactions to sex toys, a loving mom who supports nudism, and a brownie with fertility issues. Recommended for mature teen readers and up.

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Editore Melissa Haag

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 02/02/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781943051595

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The Hunt

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