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The Hyde Park Headsman (Thomas Pitt Mystery, Book 14)

Anne Perry
pubblicato da Headline

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Beheadings in Hyde Park terrorise Victorian London...

A series of attacks in Hyde Park has Superintendent Pitt's work cut out, as he pursues a deadly killer in Anne Perry's gripping mystery, The Hyde Park Headsman. Perfect for fans of C. J. Sansom and Sarah Perry.

'[Anne] Perry's strengths: memorable characters and an ability to evoke the Victorian era with the finely wrought detail of a miniaturist' - The Wall Street Journal

Not since the bloody deeds of Jack the Ripper have Londoners felt such terror as that caused by the gruesome beheadings in Hyde Park. And if newly promoted Police Superintendent Thomas Pitt does not catch the murderer quickly, he is likely to lose his own head, professionally speaking. Yet even with the help of Charlotte Pitt's subtle investigation, the sinister violence continues unchecked. And in a shocking turn of events, the case proves to be Pitt's toughest ever.

What readers are saying about The Hyde Park Headsman:

'Gripping story'

'This was a real page turner, enjoyed it enormously'

'Anne Perry writes with amazing clarity of London - a joy to pick up each book'

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Editore Headline

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 27/03/2014

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781472218148

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The Hyde Park Headsman (Thomas Pitt Mystery, Book 14)

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