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The ICE Sequence

F. Paul Wilson
pubblicato da Tor Publishing Group

Prezzo online:
-20 %

This discounted ebundle includes: Panacea, The God Gene, The Void Protocol

Two secret societies vie for control of the ultimate medical miraclePanaceato kick off this medical thriller trilogy by New York Times bestselling author F. Paul Wilson, author of the Repairman Jack series and winner of the Career Achievement in Thriller Fiction in the 2017 RT Reviewers' Choice Best Book Awards. Across three books, the ICE Sequence chronicles the way human history and civilization have been shaped by Intrusive Cosmic Entities (ICE) with various agendas.

Panacea: A reclusive, terminally ill billionaire hires medical examiner Laura Fanning to research the possibility of the fabled panaceathe substance that can cure all ills. The billionaire's own bodyguard, Rick Hayden, a mercenary who isn't who he pretends to be, has to keep her alive as they race to find the legendary panacea before the agents of a secretive cult can destroy it.

The God Gene: Rick Hayden and Laura Fanning of Panacea return to encounter another mindbending scientific scenario. Rick's brother, Keith, a prominent zoologist at NYU, walks out of his office one day and disappears. The only clue they have are his brother's book, which mentions ""the God Gene."" In a globe-spanning mixture of science, mystery, and adventure reminiscent of Michael Crichton, The God Gene takes you to the edge of evolutionary theory and beyond...way beyond.

The Void Protocol: Something sits in a bunker lab buried fifty feet below the grounds of Lakehurst Naval Air Station. New York Times bestselling author F. Paul Wilson concludes his medical thriller trilogy as Rick Hayden and Laura Fanning confront the entities responsible for the supernatural events of Panacea and The God Gene."

At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

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Editore Tor Publishing Group

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 07/07/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781250796578

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The ICE Sequence

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