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The Iliad of Homer

Alexander Pope
pubblicato da Laurus Book Society

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The Iliad of Homer was a poetic interpretation of the original Homeric poem undertaken by Alexander Pope, published serially from 1715 to 1720. It was followed by Pope's similar interpretation of The Odyssey of Homer in 1725.

Alexander Pope early grew acquainted with former members of John Dryden¿s circle, notably William Wycherley, William Walsh, and Henry Cromwell. By 1705 his ¿Pastorals¿ were in draft and were circulating among the best literary judges of the day. In 1706 Jacob Tonson, the leading publisher of poetry, had solicited their publication, and they took the place of honour in his Poetical Miscellanies in 1709.
This early emergence of a man of letters may have been assisted by Pope¿s poor physique. As a result of too much study, so he thought, he acquired a curvature of the spine and some tubercular infection, probably Pott¿s disease, that limited his growth and seriously impaired his health. His full-grown height was 4 feet 6 inches (1.4 metres), but the grace of his profile and fullness of his eye gave him an attractive appearance. He was a lifelong sufferer from headaches, and his deformity made him abnormally sensitive to physical and mental pain. Though he was able to ride a horse and delighted in travel, he was inevitably precluded from much normal physical activity, and his energetic, fastidious mind was largely directed to reading and writing.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Poesia

Editore Laurus Book Society

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/01/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780599891517

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The Iliad of Homer

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