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The Influenza Threat - Scientific American
The Influenza Threat - Scientific American

Audiolibro The Influenza Threat

Scientific American
pubblicato da Blackstone Publishing

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The onset of cold weather brings out the boots, coats, glovesand the stoplight-red "Flu Shots Available Here" signs in drugstore windows. For many scientists and public health specialists alike, flu season has become a little like Russian roulette. The likelihood of a deadly pandemic outbreak of influenza is not far from reality considering the nature of some of the different viral strains. In this book, we delve into the science of the flu, starting with past pandemics and what we can learn from them.

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Generi Scienza e Tecnica » Medicina » Biologia » Geografia » Opere generali

Editore Blackstone Publishing

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 05:39.00

Pubblicato 31/03/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781094074023

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The Influenza Threat

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