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"If one aspires to live a noble and meaningful life, you'll find an exemplar here. Of the many marvelous American traits, Ish's notion of 'Intoku' or "good done in secret" is the answer to so many of our current challenges as families, communities and Nation. Read on!" General Norton A. Schwartz, USAF (retired)

A Japanese American boy born just before Pearl Harbor joins the Army and is thrust into the maelstrom of Vietnam. Drawn to intelligence work, his watchword is "Intoku," Japanese for "good done in secret."

Ishimoto is recruited by the legendary Colonel Charlie Beckwith to be a founder of Delta Force, the legendary elite Special Operations unit. He is on the ground in Iran for the Desert One disaster during Operation Eagle Claw, the ill-fated bid to rescue American hostages in Tehran.

Part memoir of a remarkable life, this book will also be a valuable addition to Special Operations history as well as a practical guide to navigating extreme situations.

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The Intoku Code

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