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The John Matherson Series

William R. Forstchen
pubblicato da Tor Publishing Group

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-20 %

This discounted ebundle of the John Matherson Series includes: One Second After, One Year After, The Final Day

"Forstchen is the prophet of a new Dark Age. The wise will listen." Stephen Coonts

From New York Times bestselling author, William R. Forstchen: In the span of a single second, the United States is plunged into darkness as an Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP) wipes out all electricity. Trains, planes, cars, phones, computers, power plants, electronics and electrical equipmentall comes to a screeching halt. The country is in chaos, and everyone wants to know why. Whatever the cause, looting, food riots, and global insurrection are the order of the day. The New Dark Ages are suddenly upon us in this series exploring the potential aftermath of a very real threat.

One Second After In the novel that was cited on the floor of Congress as a book all Americans should read, professor John Matherson struggles to save his family and his small North Carolina mountain town after America loses a war in one second, a war that will send the country back to the Dark Ages.

One Year After Two years after nuclear weapons were detonated above the United States and brought America to its knees, the survivors of Black Mountain, North Carolina, are beginning to recover technology and supplies they had once taken for granted, like electricity, radio communications, and medications. When a "federal administrator" arrives in a nearby city, they dare to hope that a national government is finally reemerging. But the new regime is beginning to look a lot like tyranny.

The Final Day Since the detonation of nuclear weapons above the United States more than two years ago, the small town of Black Mountain, North Carolina has suffered famine, civil war, and countless deaths. Now, after defeating a new, tyrannical federal government, John Matherson and his community intend to restore their world to what it was before the EMP apocalypse. For the most part, they are succeeding . . . but progress is halted when the national government overturns the Constitution and a terrible truth is revealed: the people in power may have seen the EMP strike coming all along.

Other Tor books by William R. Forstchen
Pillar to the Sky
We Look Like Men of War

At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei

Editore Tor Publishing Group

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 13/06/2017

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780765399564

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The John Matherson Series

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