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The Kidnapping of Journalists - Hannah Storm - Robert G. Picard
The Kidnapping of Journalists - Hannah Storm - Robert G. Picard

The Kidnapping of Journalists

Hannah Storm - Robert G. Picard
pubblicato da Bloomsbury Publishing

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-5 %

The vulnerability of journalists to kidnappings was starkly illustrated by the killing of James Foley and Steven Sotloff by Islamic militants in 2014. Their murder underscored the risks taken by journalists and news organisations trying to cover developments in dangerous regions of the world and has forced news enterprises to more clearly prepare for and confront issues of safety. This book explores the complex organisational issues surrounding the capture or kidnapping of journalists in areas of conflict and risk. It explores how journalists 'becoming news' is covered and the implications of that coverage, how news organisations prepare for and respond to such events, and how kidnapping and ransom insurers, victim recovery firms, journalists' families, and governments influence the actions of news enterprises. It considers how and why journalists are kidnapped, how employers and journalists' organisations respond to kidnappings and why freelancers are particularly at risk as well as suggesting best practices for preventing and responding to kidnappings.

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Generi Politica e Società » Comunicazione e Media » Giornalismo e editoria » Politica e Istituzioni » Attivismo politico » Elezioni e referendum » Propaganda, controllo politico e libertà

Editore Bloomsbury Publishing

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 22/03/2016

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781838609450

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The Kidnapping of Journalists

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