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The Kiltartan Poetry Book; prose translations from the Irish

Lady Gregory
pubblicato da Good Press

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In "The Kiltartan Poetry Book; prose translations from the Irish," Lady Gregory masterfully presents a collection of Irish poetic traditions, elegantly translating the rich oral heritage into accessible prose. The book captures the essence of Irish folklore, intertwining the stark beauty of its landscapes with the emotional depth of its characters. Gregory'Äôs prose is characterized by its lyrical quality, blending evocative imagery with a deep cultural resonance that reflects both a reverence for the source material and an insightful interpretation of its themes, particularly the struggles and triumphs of the Irish spirit. Lady Gregory, a pivotal figure in the Irish Literary Revival, was profoundly influenced by her surroundings and the stories told by the local Irish communities. Her efforts to revive Irish culture, alongside her collaborations with luminaries such as W.B. Yeats, shaped her vision. Gregory'Äôs personal connection to the history and culture of Ireland, stemming from her upbringing in County Galway, imbues her translations with authenticity and passion, making her works not merely adaptations but vital contributions to the preservation of Irish literature. For scholars, lovers of poetry, and anyone intrigued by Irish culture, "The Kiltartan Poetry Book" is an essential read. Gregory'Äôs translations provide a gateway to understanding the nuances of the Irish psyche, and her adept storytelling offers a celebration of the language and folklore that continue to define Ireland'Äôs artistic identity.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Poesia

Editore Good Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 03/12/2019

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 4057664572486

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The Kiltartan Poetry Book; prose translations from the Irish

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