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The King - Nana Malone
The King - Nana Malone

Audiolibro The King

Nana Malone
pubblicato da Sankofa Girl

Prezzo online:

What's worse than a gorgeous one-night stand who doesn't remember you? Having to pretend to be his wife. For work.

The Rogues Division is a top-secret, highly classified, "I'd tell you but I'd have to kill you" kind of organization. The kind of organization the government pretends not to love having at its disposal.

And we just got our newest recruit: Lachlan King, the sexy billionaire playboy who seduced me into one night of wild, soul-shattering sex.

When I slipped out of his bed three months ago, I never expected to see him again. My future is set. I'm going to be a Rogues field agent. And field agents don't date. Not to mention it's forbidden to date each other. I'm relieved when he also pretends not to know me, so we can avoid any office awkwardnessuntil I realize he isn't pretending.

Even worse luck, I'm assigned to play his lover in the field.

Okay, okay, deep breath. This mission will be easy. All I need to do is pretend to be madly in love with him and make sure neither of us die. Oh and remember this isn't real. I've got to remember that. I cannot let this playboy seduce me again no matter what my belly does when he looks at me like I'm his.

Lachlan "the King", however, has thrown himself into our undercover assignment a little too wholeheartedly. He's hell-bent and determined on being as convincing as possible.

But there's no way I'm letting him fake-husband me back into bed. I won't fall for him this time. I won't. Will I?

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Romanzi contemporanei » Rosa

Editore Sankofa Girl

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 11:48.31

Pubblicato 21/07/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781959747024

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The King

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