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This "interesting, insightful book" by the author of Deep South reveals "a side of Britain few visitors see" (The New York Times Book Review).

After eleven years as an American living in London, the renowned travel writer Paul Theroux set out to travel clockwise around the coast of Great Britain to find out what the British were really like. The result is this perceptive, hilarious record of the journey. Whether in Cornwall or Wales, Ulster or Scotland, the people he encountered along the way revealed far more of themselves than they perhaps intended to display to a stranger. Theroux captured their rich and varied conversational commentary with caustic wit and penetrating insight.

"A sharp and funny descriptive writer . . . Theroux is a good companion." The Times (London)

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Generi Guide turistiche e Viaggi » Guide turistiche » Europa » Letteratura di viaggio » Consigli per il viaggio e opere generali , Romanzi e Letterature » Scritti di viaggio

Editore Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/06/2006

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780547525167

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The Kingdom by the Sea

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