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The Lady Vanishes

Alison Sandy - Bryan Seymour - Sally Eeles - Marc Wright
pubblicato da HarperCollins

Prezzo online:
-15 %

A much-loved mother, teacher and friend steps on a plane for an overseas adventure and is never seen again.

When Marion Barter disappeared in 1997, police initially dismissed it as the actions of a divorced mother abandoning her family. In this book, the creators of the addictive global hit podcast The Lady Vanishes detail the winding investigation into Marion's disappearance, from tentative early police efforts to her daughter's 27-year search for answers.

The Lady Vanishes is an engrossing story of how a small team of seasoned investigative journalists and storytellers, a daughter's intuition and a team of listener super-sleuths uncovered a web of intrigue spanning nine decades and three continents, and how - after 57 episodes, 20 million downloads and sparking a coronial inquiry - they discovered at the heart of the mystery a stranger-than-fiction international man of mystery who could hold the key to what really happened to Marion.

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The Lady Vanishes

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