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The Land Girl's Secret - Fenella J Miller
The Land Girl's Secret - Fenella J Miller

Audiolibro The Land Girl's Secret

Fenella J Miller
pubblicato da Boldwood Books

Prezzo online:

'Curl up in a chair with Fenella J. Miller's characters and lose yourself in another time and another place' Lizzie Lane

Can she escape her past and start again?

Essex 1941

Unhappy with life at home with her privileged family, Hannah Austen-Bagshaw runs away to join the Land Girls Army, carrying with her a dark and terrible secret. Life on the farm is tough, but when Hannah meets handsome working-class flight lieutenant, Jack, they form an immediate friendship.

But unbeknownst to Jack, Hannah is sheltering a young German pilot who has crash landed in a nearby field. Torn between her duty and her humanity, Hannah knows she risks being arrested as a traitor, but she cannot see the young pilot suffer. And she knows if Jack finds out her terrible secret, their relationship will unravel.

Will Hannah's secrets be too big for Jack to forgive? Or can they find love in the darkest of times?

A gripping and authentic tale of courage during bleak times, perfect for fans of Lizzie Lane, Patricia McBride and Rosie Clarke.

Praise for Fenella J. Miller:

'Engaging characters and setting which whisks you back to the home front of wartime Britain. A great start to what promises to be a fabulous series' Jean Fullerton

'Yet again, Fenella Miller has thrilled me with another of her historical stories. She brings alive a variety of emotions and weaves in facts relating to the era, all of which keep me reading into the small hours' Glynis Peters

'What a beautiful book to read, loved the story and the characters' Reader Review

Please note: This book was previoously published as Hannah's War

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Editore Boldwood Books

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 05:55.34

Pubblicato 30/09/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781835186138

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The Land Girl

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