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The Last Buccaneer: The Trustees of Mrs A.

Leslie Cope Cornford
pubblicato da Library of Alexandria

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One dark, moist winter afternoon, in the year of our Lord 1708, I chanced upon Brandon Pomfrett, as he was on his way to visit me. Brandon, who was my school-fellow, was now clerk in his uncle's warehouse in Bristol. I was an humble schoolmaster in the same famous city; not discontented with my lot, and not contented, either. But Pomfrett chafed in his shackles; 'twas chiefly his dislike of tedium that drove him to seek my societyfor want of a betterand that was presently to drive us both farther, perhaps, than we ever thought to go. We turned down the narrow alley, with the ancient houses leaning foreheads across, that led to my lodging. A strong, hoarse voice arose out of the dusk, singing: "All a-sailing to the stars, Ye gentlemen Jack-tars; We'll meet again at Fiddler's Green, All up among the stars," bellowed the voice, and a burly man, with something of a seafaring air about him, came rolling up the causeway. We drew aside to let him pass, but he halted abruptly in front of us. "Asking your pardon, gentlemen," says he, "but could you tell me if I was shaping my course anyways near right for the Burning Bush, kept by a man of the curi's name of Gamaliel? Not," said the stranger, "that I ain't been here before, nor that I don't know the coursebut if a man's liquor runs from his legs to his head, what's that poor seaman to do? I reckon I could fetch him in time, but time iswell, now, shipmates, you know what time is, no one better, by the looks of you," ended the mariner, apparently with some obscure design of complimenting us. The stranger laying his thick, brown hand familiarly on Pomfrett's arm as he spoke, we could not but remark a great ruby that glowed in a gold setting upon his little finger; a strange ornament for a merchant seaman. "We'll show you the way, sir," says Pomfrett, whose curiosity was perhaps aroused by the sight of the ring. Now, the Burning Bush had an ill repute as a crimp's ken; Gamaliel's was no place for the reputable; and it behooves a schoolmaster to make at least a pretence of piety; wherefore I hung back. "Oh, be hanged!" said Pomfrett. "I know Gamalielhe does business at the warehouse. Come along." "Ay, ay," the mariner broke in, "heave ahead, shipmate; never spoil a merry meeting; a tot of rum will set you as brisk as a bee. Why," says he, "you and me and youI should say him, but meaning politewe three, I reckon, will be as thick as thieves before the night's out. Crack on, shipmates, for the port o' call." And, turning sharp to the left, down a narrow passage, we came to the Burning Bush, a low-browed tavern with small latticed windows, that gave no hint of the great extent of the rambling premises behind them, and entered the sanded parlour, where Mr John Gamaliel was standing with his back to a bright fire. A little, thin, eager man was John Gamaliel; his nose was hooked, his fingers crooked inward like a sailor's (a sailor he had been), his body had a forward droop, like a fish-hook.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei , Storia e Biografie » Storia: opere generali » Storia: specifici argomenti , Salute Benessere Self Help » Mente, corpo, spirito

Editore Library Of Alexandria

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 08/05/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781465578587

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