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The Learning and Teaching of Statistics and Probability

Luis Saldanha - Neil J. Hatfield - Egan J Chernoff - Caterina Primi
pubblicato da Taylor & Francis

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Filled with practical learning activities to adopt within your classroom, The Learning and Teaching of Statistics and Probability places reasoning about quantities and quantification at the core of learning and teaching statistics. A companion website to this book is also available at, allowing readers to access a directory of resources data collections and web-based applets used in some of the instructional activities featured within this book.

Through its presentation of conceptual analyses and resources for teaching with statistical data, the book's five chapters establish key concepts and foundational ideas in statistics and probability, emphasizing the development of learner understanding and coherence, for example:

  • Individual cases and their attributes
  • Data collections, sub-collections, and relevant operations to quantify their attributes
  • Samples, population, and quantifying variation
  • Types of processes, meanings of randomness, and probability as a measure of stochastic tendency
  • Sampling distributions and statistical inference.

This highly informative yet practical book is an indispensable resource for teachers of secondary school mathematics, mathematics subject leads, and mathematics and statistics educators within the wider field of education.

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Generi Famiglia Scuola e Università » Educazione, Scuola e Università

Editore Taylor & Francis

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/12/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781003805595

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The Learning and Teaching of Statistics and Probability

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