Sensei Peter Freedman's light-hearted view of the development of martial arts, past and present, gives us an appreciation for what has been done, and anticipation of what is still to be discovered. Sensei Freedman's diverse, real-world martial arts experience is shocking and even frightening at times, but he has taken the high road at every opportunity and gone on to receive a Lifetime Achievement Award from the mayor of Boston for outstanding contributions to the city. Since the age of 15, he has been helping troubled youths get off the streets of Boston and out of gangs, teaching them to strengthen their mind, spirit, and body.
"The future will take care of itself if I do a good job now with each individual person. The art will find its own way in the future."
- Grandmaster Peter Freedman
"In a living art, you understand the basic fundamental concepts, principles, and science. You constantly try to evolve it to create a better martial art and to become a deeper martial artist, and have a deeper understanding of every little movement you do."
- Grandmaster Peter Freedman
Join our discussion about what it takes to continually improve yourself as a martial artist and human being. Learn how the fundamental understanding of scientific concepts can open your eyes to new techniques and applications and learn about the roles and responsibilities of a grandmaster, or lineage holder of a style.