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The Local Angler Fly Fishing Austin & Central Texas

Aaron Reed
pubblicato da Imbrifex Books

Prezzo online:

It may be a "best-kept secret," but central Texas has some of the best fly fishing in America. With Texas native and fly fishing expert Aaron Reed as your guide, enjoy dozens of wades and paddles, all within easy reach of Austin.

Discover secluded spring creeks braced by soaring limestone cliffs. Wade in broad pools dotted with lily pads and stands of water willow. Fish in neighborhood ponds and float deep, slow rivers. Easy-to-follow narrative, detailed maps, and gorgeous color photographs make it easy to "Go fishing now!" even if you have only a few hours to spare.

There's something for every angler in central Texas. Visit the nation's southernmost trout fishery in the Canyon Lake tailwaters. Find seven species in a single day, including the native Guadalupe bass and the Rio Grande cichlid. Fly Fishing Austin and Central Texas is your passport to the challenges and rewards of angling in this unique and beautiful region.

A look inside:

Directions to more than 80 legal access points

Detailed on-the-water wade and paddle route descriptions

Full-color maps showing stream access points

More than 200 full-color photographs

Tips for "reading" central Texas streams

Dozens of local angler-friendly hangouts

Successful local fly patterns and how to tie them

Local and natural history: Comanches, conquistadors, jaguars, and at least one dinosaur

Descriptions of common aquatic and riparian plants

Comprehensive Texas river law primer

Tips for taking kids fishing.

Advice for selecting rods, reels, and line for local conditions and species

Local fly shops and guide services

How to catch a riffle-loving Guadalupe bass.

The mysterious story of Round Rock's "Hairy Man"

Where to find and how to catch trophy rainbow trout

And much, much more!

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