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Her past has caught up with her. Again.

Cali Lebeau has been aiding hackers with her cryptology skills to track an apparent terrorist organization. When they discover what she's been doing, they target her. Asher Cross, billionaire recluse, insists on aiding her, though she doesn't understand why.

Asher Cross has secrets. He must help Cali, keep her alive, but he cannot let her understand his past or his motivationsin order to protect her.

They discover that the terrorist organization is searching for the Golden Library of Moscow, which was first assembled by Ivan the Great and had grown over time to include the oldest and most valuable texts in the world, including missing masterpieces. They believe the library holds black magic and the secret to everlasting life. It was stolen from them by Cali's ancestor, and Cali holds a clue to its location handed down by her mother. In order to free herself and Asher, Cali must race against the terrorists, find the library, and share it with the world.

Will they be able to solve the mystery surrounding the Lost Library or risk losing their lives?

"Outstanding!!! What a suspenseful ride. I couldn't read fast enough and I read far later than I should have. The chemistry and the whole premise were terrific. I thoroughly enjoyed it and will be reading more of Melissa Koslin's books."- Amazon Review of NEVER MISS by Melissa Koslin by Terry F Crowder

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Gialli e thriller » Legal thriller » Legal, Thriller e Spionaggio » Rosa

Editore Inkspell Publishing Llc

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 03/09/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781964636078

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The Lost Library

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