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The Lover of No Fixed Abode - Carlo Fruttero - Franco Lucentini
The Lover of No Fixed Abode - Carlo Fruttero - Franco Lucentini

The Lover of No Fixed Abode

Carlo Fruttero - Franco Lucentini
pubblicato da Bitter Lemon Press

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37 punti carta PAYBACK
Prodotto acquistabile con Carte Cultura e Carta Docente
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Set in Venice, over three days in winter. She, a Roman princess, has come to seek undervalued paintings; he is a strange, strikingly erudite tour guide. A touching love story and the revelation of criminal shenanigans in the Venetian art world. But, at the core, the deeply intriguing mystery of the guide's true identity.

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Generi Literature & Fiction » Modern Fiction , Mystery & Crime » Modern Mystery & Crime » Thrillers

Editore Bitter Lemon Press

Formato Paperback / softback

Pubblicato 25/01/2024

Pagine 304

Lingua Inglese

Isbn o codice id 9781913394905

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The Lover of No Fixed Abode

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