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The Mammoth Book of Weird News

Geoff Tibballs
pubblicato da Little, Brown Book Group

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A humorous collection of hundreds of funny news stories, whacky phenomena, and hilarious blunders and gaffes from around the world, such as: the woman who smuggled 75 live snakes in her bra; the man who held a funeral for his amputated foot; the radioactive cat which got mistaken for a bomb; the human tongue that got served up in a hospital; the X-ray that revealed E.T.'s face in a duck; the youth who woke to find a bullet in his tongue; the tortoise that set a house on fire; and many more.

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Generi Hobby e Tempo libero » Umorismo » Libri per ridere e collezioni umoristiche

Editore Little, Brown Book Group

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 03/11/2011

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781849019590

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The Mammoth Book of Weird News

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