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The Marvel Art Of Skottie Young

Jess Harrold
pubblicato da Marvel Entertainment

Prezzo online:
-13 %

Celebrate the unmistakable artwork of Skottie Young in a colorful collection of comic pages, covers and cartoons! The distinctively stylized illustrator first caught fans' eyes with his flaming-hot take on the Human Torch, and he's wowed readers across the years since on Marvel books including VENOM, SPIDER-MAN: LEGEND OF THE SPIDER-CLAN, NEW WARRIORS and NEW X-MEN! Young steered the Guardians of the Galaxy's fan-favorite Rocket Raccoon into solo adventures, and his variant covers are a collector's-item sensation! In addition to his art, Young has written ROCKET RACCOON AND GROOT, MAGNETO: NOT A HERO and DEADPOOL! This volume is the ultimate retrospective of the Marvel Universe according to Skottie ideal for Young and old!

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Generi Fumetti » Supereroi a fumetti

Editore Marvel Entertainment

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 15/12/2009

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781302514174

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The Marvel Art Of Skottie Young

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