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The Masculinity Manifesto - Ryan Michler
The Masculinity Manifesto - Ryan Michler

Audiolibro The Masculinity Manifesto

Ryan Michler
pubblicato da Oasis Audio

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Men are not the enemy, and masculinity, contrary to what much of popular culture would have you believe, is the solution to what plagues individuals, families, and society as a whole.

Men have a moral obligation to lead themselves and others well. Unfortunately, much of society has bought into and perpetuated the misguided idea that men have become the enemy of all that is right and good in a virtuous and thriving society. In short, even the concept of a Patriarch (which is simply the male leader of a home, organization, or community) has become taboo, and masculinity itself has been written off as a toxic and destructive force.

In The Masculinity Manifesto, author and podcaster Ryan Michler focuses on how a man can wield his power and lead others well with influence, credibility, and authority. Ryan refuses to accept the gradual and intentional decay of masculinity, instead he chooses to tackle the questions others are afraid to address. The Masculinity Manifesto empowers men to find true purpose and fulfillment by taking responsibility for their lives and serving others.

A man who exercises his responsibility to lead himself and others well is not to be feared, undermined, or rejected but embraced, respected, and honored. Men, after all, aren't the enemy, and masculinity, contrary to what much of what popular culture would have you believe, is the solution to what plagues individuals, families, and society as a whole.

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Generi Politica e Società » Studi di Genere e gruppi sociali » Uomini

Editore Oasis Audio

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 05:49.37

Pubblicato 27/09/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781645556008

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The Masculinity Manifesto

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