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The Moon Sister

Lucinda Riley
pubblicato da Pan Macmillan

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From the Scottish Highlands and Spain, to South America and New York, The Moon Sister is the fifth epic story in the Seven Sisters series by the number one bestseller Lucinda Riley. A spellbinding story of love and loss, inspired by the mythology of the famous star constellation.

Tiggy D'Aplièse, in her mid-twenties, learns that her father Pa Salt, an elusive billionaire who adopted his six daughters from around the globe has died. Trusting her instincts, Tiggy moves to the remote wilds of Scotland and takes a job doing what she loves: caring for animals. Working on the vast and isolated Kinnaird estate, she is employed by the enigmatic and troubled laird, Charlie Kinnaird.

Her decision alters her future irrevocably when she meets Chilly, an elderly gypsy man who has lived for years on the estate. He tells her not only that she possesses a sixth sense, passed down from her ancestors, but that it was foretold long ago that he should send her back home to Granada, Spain . . .

In the shadow of the magnificent Alhambra, Tiggy discovers her connection to the fabled gypsy community of Sacromonte, who were forced to flee their homes during the civil war, and to 'La Candela' the greatest flamenco dancer of her generation.

Tiggy follows the trail back to her own exciting but complex past. And, under the watchful eye of a gifted gypsy bruja, she begins to embrace her own talent for healing.

But when fate takes a hand, Tiggy must decide whether to stay with her new-found family or return to Kinnaird, and Charlie . . .

**The epic, multi-million selling series continues with The Sun Sister.

'Lucinda Riley at the top of her game: a magical storyteller who creates characters we fall in love with and who stay with us long after we finish reading.' Lucy Foley, bestselling author of The Hunting Party

Praise for the Seven Sisters:**

'A masterclass in beautiful writing' The Sun

'A breathtaking adventure' Lancashire Evening Post

Five-Star Reader Reviews:

'Absolutely incredible'
'Totally addictive'
'Ideal for when you need to escape'

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei » Fiabe e leggende » Rosa » Storici » Storici » Storici

Editore Pan Macmillan

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/11/2018

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781509840120

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The Moon Sister

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