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The Morgan Dossier

Leo J. Maloney
pubblicato da Kensington

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-9 %

Operative Dan Morgan is the ultimate forcean American hero weaponized for any contingency, his instincts honed to risk everything. Now you can read two heart-pounding Dan Morgan novellas in one electrifying volume.

Alex Morgan, daughter of CIA veteran Dan Morgan, is on a dangerous assignment outside Vladivostok, Russia, when she boards the Trans-Siberian Railway to make her escape. But she's not the only passenger with a hidden agenda. Now Dan Morgan has an impossible choice to make. Either he saves his daughter before fighter jets blow up the train, or he stops a madman from annihilating the world. Either way, this train ride is a one-way ticket to World War III.

Agents Dan Morgan and Peter Conley successfully got themselves thrown into prison in Istanbul. Now comes the hard part of the mission: extract a scientist who masterminded Turkey's new missile guidance systemwithout triggering a Middle East war. When an enemy from Morgan's past threatens the operation, the two agents face a desperate fight for their lives, with the fate of two hemispheres hanging in the balance.

Praise for Leo J. Maloney and His Novels

"Maloney is the new master of the modern spy game."Mark Sullivan

"Fine writing and real insider knowledge make this a must."Lee Child on Twelve Hours

"Dan Morgan is one of the best heroes to come along in ages."Jeffery Deaver

"Leo Maloney has a real winner . . . Gritty and intense, it draws you immediately into the action and doesn't let go."Marc Cameron on For Duty and Honor

"Rings with authenticity."John Gilstrap on Termination Orders

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Gialli e thriller » Spionaggio » Legal, Thriller e Spionaggio

Editore Kensington

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 22/10/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781516112036

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The Morgan Dossier

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