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The Moving Picture Girls At Sea - Laura Lee Hope
The Moving Picture Girls At Sea - Laura Lee Hope

The Moving Picture Girls At Sea

Laura Lee Hope
pubblicato da Otbebookpublishing

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The Moving Picture Girls at Sea is a children's book written by Laura Lee Hope, originally published in 1914. The novel follows the adventures of Ruth and Alice DeVere, two sisters who work as actresses in the early days of the film industry. In this particular story, Ruth and Alice are given the opportunity to star in a movie that is being filmed on a luxury ocean liner. The girls are excited about the chance to travel and experience life at sea, but they soon discover that there are a number of dangers lurking on board. As they work on the movie, the girls become embroiled in a mystery involving a missing necklace and must use their skills and ingenuity to uncover the truth. Along the way, they encounter a number of interesting characters, including a wealthy socialite and a handsome detective. As they navigate the dangers of the high seas, the girls also take time to enjoy the various amenities of the ship, including fine dining, entertainment, and leisure activities. They develop close friendships with the crew and other passengers and demonstrate their kindness and generosity to those in need. Throughout the book, Ruth and Alice demonstrate their bravery, intelligence, and loyalty to their friends and family. They also show a deep appreciation for the beauty and majesty of the ocean and the natural world. Overall, "The Moving Picture Girls at Sea" is a thrilling and engaging story that combines elements of mystery, adventure, and romance. It offers a glimpse into the glamour and excitement of early 20th-century travel, while also highlighting the importance of friendship, resourcefulness, and a love for the natural world.

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Editore Otbebookpublishing

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 30/04/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9783988263520

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The Moving Picture Girls At Sea

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