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The Nazi Seizure of Power

William Sheridan Allen
pubblicato da Echo Point Books

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"Tells us how Nazism happened, in microcosm, in a single German town that was neither typical nor exceptional in admitting and then yielding to tyranny." The New York Times

In this classic work of twentieth-century history, William Sheridan Allen demonstrates how dictatorship subtly surmounted democracy in Germany and how the Nazi seizure of power encroached from below. Relying upon legal records and interviews with primary sources, Allen dissects Northeim, Germany with microscopic precision to depict the transformation of a sleepy town to a Nazi stronghold. This cogent analysis argues that Hitler rose to power primarily through democratic tactics that incited localized support rather than through violent means.
Revised on the basis of newly discovered Nazi documents, The Nazi Seizure of Power: The Experience of a Single German Town, 19221945 continues to significantly contribute to our understanding of this phenomenon and the political and moral debate over the roots of fascism. Allen's research provides an intimate, comprehensive study of the mechanics of revolution and an analysis of the Nazi Party's subversion of democracy. Beginning at the end of the Weimar Republic, Allen examines the entire period of the Nazi Revolution within a single locality.

"The book's distinction lies . . . in its fidelity to the facts in one particular town, with one set of civic officials (notably the Nazi 'Local Group Leader'), and one populationwhose shift in attitudes, indifference and, in the end, total lack of comprehension of what was really happening convert the theory into actuality and make it both clearer and more readable." Kirkus Reviews

"A first-rate study of absorbing interestHitler did not seize power single-handed." Walter Laqueur, The New York Review of Books

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Editore Echo Point Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 02/12/2018

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781648371172

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The Nazi Seizure of Power

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