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The Nightshade's Touch - Pippa DaCosta
The Nightshade's Touch - Pippa DaCosta

Audiolibro The Nightshade's Touch

Pippa DaCosta
pubblicato da Blackstone Publishing

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"Be careful which star you wish upon"

The unseeliebanished by Oberon long agoare stirring awake, and there's one name on their dark lips: Nightshade. Kesh is beginning to settle into her role as Halow's messenger, saving people from the fae with the help of Kellee, Talen, Arran, and Sota, but if she has any hope of making her wrongs right, she must trust those around her. Without them, there is no messenger. Friends, lovers, more. But one has a secret. A secret so dark it threatens to change everything Kesh believes in. A secret that could change the fate of Faerie, Halow, and all of humanity. When the fae abandoned the stars long-ago, they left behind more than fairytales. They left behind their monsters.

The fae-in-space "mind-blowing" bestselling series continues in The Nightshade's Touch, Messenger Chronicles #3.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Fantasy » Rosa , Fantasy Horror e Gothic » Fantascienza

Editore Blackstone Publishing

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 10:38.00

Pubblicato 26/05/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781799923374

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