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The Nutcracker Comes to America - Chris Barton
The Nutcracker Comes to America - Chris Barton

Audiolibro The Nutcracker Comes to America

Chris Barton
pubblicato da Lerner Publishing Group

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Every December, The Nutcracker comes to life in theaters all across the United States. But how did this 19th-century Russian ballet become such a big part of the holidays in 21st-century America?

Meet Willam, Harold, and Lew Christensen, three small-town Utah boys who caught the ballet bug from an uncle in the early 1900s. They performed alongside elephants and clowns on vaudeville, immersed themselves in the New York City dance scene, and even put on a ballet featuring gangsters at a gas station. Russian immigrants shared the story of The Nutcracker with them, and during World War IIon a shoestring budget and in need of a hitthey staged their own Christmastime production in San Francisco. It was America's first full-length version and the beginning of a delightful holiday tradition.

Follow along and learn how The Nutcracker came to be performed all across the United States from these truly humble beginnings.

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Libri per Conoscere » Balletto e danza » Cultura generale e curiosità » Temi personali e sociali » Famiglia e relazioni

Editore Lerner Publishing Group

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 00:08.59

Pubblicato 01/08/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781728466811

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The Nutcracker Comes to America

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