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The Old Mermaids Book of Days and Nights: A Daily Guide to the Magic and Inspiration of the Old Sea, the New Desert, and Beyond

Kim Antieau
pubblicato da Green Snake Publishing

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Kim Antieau guides you through a year of wisdom, humor, beauty, inspiration, and love in these daily quotes from her own writings featuring the Old Mermaids and some of the other wise and mystical characters from her books and stories. See what gifts Grand Mother Yemaya Mermaid, Sister Laughs A Lot Mermaid, Mother Star Stupendous Mermaid, Sister Sheila Na Giggle Mermaid, and others have to share with you all year long.
Cover art by Nancy Norman.

Kim is the author of Church of the Old Mermaids, The Fish Wife, Her Frozen Wild, Coyote Cowgirl, Whackadoodle Times, Ruby's Imagine, Butch, The Jigsaw Woman, and many other books. She lives in Sasquatch country with her husband, writer Mario Milosevic.

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Editore Green Snake Publishing

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 21/09/2012

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781301354610

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The Old Mermaids Book of Days and Nights: A Daily Guide to the Magic and Inspiration of the Old Sea, the New Desert, and Beyond

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