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The Oriental Rug

William De Lancey Ellwanger
pubblicato da DigiCat

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William De Lancey Ellwanger's "The Oriental Rug" is a comprehensive exploration of the intricate artistry and cultural significance of Oriental rugs, tracing their history from ancient artisanal traditions to their contemporary status as coveted collectables. Ellwanger employs a rich, descriptive literary style that immerses readers in the vibrant colors, patterns, and textures of these textiles, while also contextualizing their socio-economic impact across different regions and eras. Through meticulous observations and historical accounts, he unveils the cultural narratives woven into each piece, inviting readers to appreciate the rug not merely as decor but as a testament to human craftsmanship and storytelling. As an esteemed scholar and connoisseur, Ellwanger's deep appreciation for textiles is rooted in an extensive background in art history and anthropology. His travels through the Middle East and Central Asia allowed him to engage directly with the weavers and artisans, providing him with unique insights into the techniques and inspirations behind these masterpieces. This extensive research and personal experience imbue the book with authenticity, offering a nuanced perspective that reflects his passion for the craft. Readers seeking a profound understanding of the intersection between art and culture will find "The Oriental Rug" an indispensable resource. Its eloquent prose and detailed analysis make it suitable for both aficionados and novices alike. Ellwanger's work not only enhances our appreciation of these woven treasures but also invites us to reflect on the rich tapestry of histories they represent.

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Generi Hobby e Tempo libero » Artigianato » Cucito e uncinetto

Editore Digicat

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 04/09/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 8596547234579

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The Oriental Rug

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