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The Other Side of Suicide

Richard Ford
pubblicato da BookBaby

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The Other Side of Suicide is a virtual reality journey with those left behind; "the Survivors". Those affected by suicide experience a tsunami of emotions; "Soul Trauma" of devastation, destruction, shock, horror and brokenness; lives forever altered and changed! Suicide knows no bounds. Every age, gender, race, creed, culture, and religion has been affected. Suicide, without regard for anyone, pulls people into a journey that none should have to travel. Every year tens of thousands of people find themselves in what can only be described as "hell on earth." The journey contained between these pages is painful and intense, yet compassionate. The journey you are about to take is designed to guide "the survivors" to the place of peace they so desperately seek. It's designed to alert and awaken those who have reached a place in life where they feel, "there is no way out," that life is worth living no matter what! For those with a compassionate heart this journey will prepare them to be "agents of hope" and "vessels of mercy and grace." Equipped to reach out to those who cry in the darkness of hopelessness and the aftermath of suicide. Ready to bring hope and to be a part of healing the brokenhearted! The Other Side of Suicide is a journey that will forever change your life!

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Generi Salute Benessere Self Help » Self Help » Morte e lutto

Editore Bookbaby

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 02/10/2014

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781483537771

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The Other Side of Suicide

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