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The Path of the Crooked - Ellery Adams
The Path of the Crooked - Ellery Adams

Audiolibro The Path of the Crooked

Ellery Adams
pubblicato da Tantor Media, Inc

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Cooper Lee was at a crossroads. Her boyfriend of five years had just left her for another woman, she was living in an apartment above her parents' garage, and her job as a copier repairperson was feeling a little, well, repetitious. Hoping for a fresh start and a new outlook on life, she joins the Bible study group at Hope Street Church. The last thing she expects while studying the Bible is a lesson in murder.

When Brooke Hughes, the woman who first invited Cooper to Hope Street, is found murdered in her home, all signs point to her husband as the culprit. But Wesley Hughes was an elder at Hope Street Church, and the members of the Bible study are filled with disbelief that such a kind and loving man could take a life, much less his wife's. Unwilling to let an innocent man and friend be railroaded into prison, the Bible group decides to investigate on their own.

As Cooper and this humorously diverse group of peopleincluding a blind folk artist, a meteorologist with a taste for younger women, and a soft-spoken web designer who might be out to catch Cooper's eyedig deeper into the clues, they're about to discover that finding the truth sometimes takes a leap of faith.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei » Gialli e thriller » Gialli e thriller

Editore Tantor Media, Inc

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 07:54.11

Pubblicato 23/02/2016

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781515972501

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The Path of the Crooked

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