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The Price of Eyes - Janet McGiffin
The Price of Eyes - Janet McGiffin

The Price of Eyes

Janet McGiffin
pubblicato da Scotland Street Press

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37 punti carta PAYBACK
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The final novel in the Empress Irini Series following the life of the only woman to rule ancient Byzantium, seen through the eyes of Thekla the young abbess of the imperial convent. Tragedy, revenge, civil war and family strife are lightened by the true adventure of a young woman raised to awesome responsibility in a glittering, exciting age.

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Generi Children » Adventures Stories » General Fiction » Fantasy » Crime & Mystery , Literature & Fiction » Historical Fiction » Short Stories

Editore Scotland Street Press

Formato Paperback / softback

Pubblicato 14/02/2025

Pagine 320

Lingua Inglese

Isbn o codice id 9781910895825

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The Price of Eyes

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