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The Primal Low-Carb Kitchen

Kyndra Holley
pubblicato da Page Street Publishing

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-18 %

Give Your Low-Carb Diet A Healthy, Primal Makeover Without Sacrificing Taste

The healthy, low-carb recipes in this cookbook taste so good you'll forget you're on a diet! Think you have to give up biscuits and gravy, waffles, rich sauces and pizza? Think again.

The low-carb diet has proven itself effective, but when it's done with highly-processed low-carb alternatives, it is not always as healthy as it sounds. That's where Kyndra Holley comes in. She is the mastermind behind the blog Peace, Love and Low Carb, and has melded the best of both worlds: a time-tested low carb approach with healthy, whole-food Primal ingredients.

Following the Primal template, Kyndra cuts out grains and gluten and emphasizes whole, unprocessed, "real" foods. A lifelong foodie with personal experience losing weight on the low-carb diet, Kyndra brings you mouthwatering comfort food recipes such as Caramelized Onion and Prosciutto "Mac" and Cheese, Italian Meatballs with Tomato Cream Sauce, Chili Dogs, Eggplant Lasagna and more.
After all, who says dieting has to be about sacrifice? You'll feel fuller, radiant and satisfied thanks to these healthy, nutrient-dense low-carb meals.

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Editore Page Street Publishing

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 02/06/2015

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781624141287

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The Primal Low-Carb Kitchen

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